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alam liar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "alam liar"
  • Surely not the ones that have bred in the wild.
    Kecuali yang lahir di alam liar.
  • A vast, unexplored wilderness shrouded in mystery.
    Alam liar tertutup, belum pernah dijelajahi, dan berselimut misteri.
  • That's how they establish dominance in the wild.
    Begitulah cara mereka membangun dominasi di alam liar.
  • Have you ever tracked animals in the wilderness?
    Apakah kau pernah melacak hewan di alam liar?
  • I spent over half my life in the wild.
    Aku menghabiskan sebagian hidup di alam liar.
  • List of wildlife artists Skipwith, P (1979).
    Daftar pelukis kehidupan alam liar ^ Skipwith, P (1979).
  • Actually they can't breed in the wild.
    Sebenarnya mereka tak bisa lahir di alam liar.
  • They're kind of rereleasing me out into the wild.
    Mereka semacam melepaskanku ke alam liar.
  • There's none of this in the wild.
    Tidak ada yang seperti ini di alam liar.
  • That I would release him into the wild.
    Aku janji akan melepasnya ke alam liar.
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